The ‘May I Please Have Some More?’ Green Smoothie Recipe

This smoothie isn’t green in color, but it is dairy free & gluten free.

It’s no secret that I love smoothies. I could drink one every single day and not tire of them. Oh the variety!

This year my family decided to participate in the local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). With this decision has come a box every week containing new and old favorite produce items.

My third week into the CSA I received 7 heads of baby bok choy. Since baby bok choy was a new veggie to me, I wasn’t really sure what to do with it. Purchasing a CSA has brought this dilemma almost weekly, which I absolutely love! Thus, this smoothie recipe was created.


Yes, it was so good that you get a photo of a half drank smoothie. Once I tasted it, I almost couldn’t stop.

My eight year old is an excellent apprentice to smoothie making. He even suggested some of the ingredients.


May I Please Have More? Green Smoothie Recipe

1 Ripe Banana

6-8 Strawberries (a good handful)

1 Head Baby Bok Choy

1 T Local Honey

1/2 C Frozen Berries

1 C Apple Juice

Handful of Ice Cubes*


Simply put everything into your blender and blend till smooth.

*I usually use frozen cubes of juice. When you open a jar of fruit (peaches, pears, or mixed fruit) I usually save the juice and freeze it in ice cube trays. No need to throw away the juice the fruit is packed in!